Friday, May 19, 2006

GCF17B Top of the loop

After being 0/5 for the area and 0/7 for New York, I finally found a cache! It was raining, but I was determined. There was a hole in the rain around the cache. The satellites were giving me trouble in this area - headed one way, then it would say: hey, it is 150 feet the other way! I waited 5 minutes for another satellite to come into view, and finally got to the right area. I would say this is a small, not a regular - as there was barely enough room for 1 of the 2 travelbugs I had with me. I wound up taking the second travelbug back with me to Colorado. But I was so glad to finally find a cache in New York. I would have put money on finding a whole bunch more. I will have to make sure to always have the hints with me from now on :)
GCF17B Top of the loop Reg 1.5/1.5
Found-It log: May 19, 2006 by WitzAbout
Finally found a cache in NY!
After striking out for days, I finally found a cache.
Left Dexter Dog TB who wants to go to Hershey.

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